Opening: 01 September 2024

Deadline: 31 December 2024

Pre-entry guidelines and instructions

Please read this page thoroughly before starting your award submission(s); a link to the online submission process is at the end of this page. Please email if you have any questions relating to the awards.

Award Categories

The categories (entrants may enter up to three categories) for the Housing Technology Awards 2024/25 are:

  • Artificial Intelligence;
  • Customer/tenant services;
  • Cyber-security;
  • Digital transformation;
  • Innovation;
  • IT Team of the year;

If your team are proud of the work they have accomplished in these areas, we welcome you and your team to take part in the awards, irrespective of the size of your organisation (size will be taken into account when assessing the award entries).

Qualifying entrants & applicable entries

The Housing Technology Awards are only open to UK & Ireland social housing organisations (RSLs) and other UK & Ireland providers of social housing, such as ALMOs and local authorities. All entrants must be Housing Technology subscribers (you can subscribe here free of charge). Third-party organisations, such as IT suppliers, business consultancies and PR companies, wishing to enter the awards (by proxy) can only do so via their housing customers. Award entries can only be submitted via an email address associated with a housing provider’s web domain. Entries must relate to projects, teams and activities taking place within the past 18 months (as of 01 September 2024). Please note that if the minimum number of entries for a category is not reached, the award will be discontinued; we will inform relevant entrants if applicable.

To help you consider whether your project might be suitable, we highly recommend reading our 'Winners' Stories' PDF which provides details on a number of the winning projects. Click here to view the winners' stories.


The Housing Technology Awards 2024/25 are open for entries from 01 September 2024 until midnight on 31 December 2024. All entries will be acknowledged by Housing Technology by email. All entrants will be informed by email of the short-listed entries. All short-listed entrants will be informed by email with details of the final awards’ prize-giving (to take place at the Housing Technology 2025 conference on Wednesday 12 March 2025 in Nottingham).

Judging and marking framework

Entrants are advised that Housing Technology’s internal team (who will short-list the entries) and our external housing panel (who will then judge the short-listed entries) will use the framework below when assessing the entries. Entrants are advised to compose their entries accordingly to highlight their achievements and details of their project as clearly as possible. Housing Technology will select and invite senior IT/business executives from UK & Ireland social housing organisations (and other external organisations at Housing Technology’s discretion). Judges will not assess any entries from their own organisations nor from any organisation with which they have any commercial or corporate involvement. Neither Housing Technology nor its external judges will enter into discussions regarding individual award submissions and their subsequent assessments.

  • Outstanding (75-100 marks): full-evidenced, robust and substantiated project; sector-leading, with exceptional impact; very innovative; quantitative goals exceeded; qualitative goals exceeded.
  • Good (50-74 marks): very good project with compelling evidence; industry best-practice, with high impact; innovative; quantitative goals achieved; qualitative goals achieved.
  • Adequate (25-49 marks): adequate project with some good evidence; meets industry standards, with positive impact; some innovation; some quantitative goals achieved; some qualitative goals achieved.
  • Weak (0-24 marks): inconsistent project with limited evidence; weak areas, with low impact; little/no innovation; quantitative goals partly/not achieved; qualitative goals partly/not achieved.

Preview of information to be provided

The information that each entrant will need to provide is listed below; we advise entrants to consider and compose their responses and answers before entering Housing Technology’s awards portal.

  • Contact details: name, job title, email, phone, etc. This is for Housing Technology’s internal use.
  • Headline/project name (free text, max. 10 words): this will be used by Housing Technology and its external judges to quickly categorise/index each entry; it will not be assessed for the awards.
  • Number of properties owned and/or managed: Housing Technology’s research team and our external judges will take organisational size into account when assessing and marking award entries.
  • Summary of project/team/activity (free text, max. 200 words): this will be used by Housing Technology and its external judges to gain an overview of each entry; it will not be assessed for the awards; it will be used as the basis for any external marketing and editorial coverage.
  • Main award submission (free text, max. 1,000 words): this will be used by Housing Technology (for short-listing entries) and our external judges (for final assessments and awards). We advise entrants to thoroughly read and refer to the above ‘marking guidelines’ section when composing their submissions.

Final Awards

From the short-listed entries, the winner and runners-up in each category will be split into ‘Winner’, ‘Highly Commended’ and ‘Commended’ awards. The awards will be announced at the Housing Technology 2025 conference on Wednesday 12 March 2025 in Nottingham. Winners and runners-up will be entitled to reference their status in their internal and external communications (Housing Technology will provide artwork for marketing/social media). Housing Technology will also provide editorial coverage of the awards in its bi-monthly magazine, online and via social media, including profiles of the winners and runners-up in each award category. 

The short-listed entries for each award will be required to attend the prize-giving ceremony at the Housing Technology 2025 conference in Nottingham on Wednesday 12 March 2025. Complimentary tickets will be provided for two representatives from each short-listed entry; additional tickets will be available to purchase.


All personal data provided will be subject to GDPR. The original entrants and their entries will be confidential to Housing Technology and the external judging panel. The entrants’ own ‘summary’ submissions of the short-listed entries and final winners and runners-up in each category will be covered in Housing Technology magazine, online and via social media (as per ‘editorial coverage & promotion’ above).

How to submit your entry

Housing Technology is using a dedicated online awards portal, so that text can be copied/pasted from Word/Notepad/etc, and entrants can save and review their entries before their final submission. To get started, simply click the button below to go to the portal where you will create your account. The portal will guide you through the submission process. If you have any questions at all, please contact

Please note that there are no fees or charges to enter the Housing Technology Awards 2024/25.

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